Customizing Generators Pro only

One of the many features that a Pro license unlocks is easy access to customization options for generators. Having access to these customizations will allow you to spend less time writing javascript code for something that you can do in a few clicks.

In order to customize a generator, you will have to click on the icon found on the right side of the generator that you want to modify.

After doing that, a popup window will show up with specific settings for each generator.

As mentioned previously, each generator will have its own specific settings. There are however two settings that will be available on all generators, including custom generators. The Before / After Callbacks. These two will allow you to run javascript code before and after having the generator triggered by Fake Data. To read more about these callbacks, please go to Custom Generators section. And if you want to learn more about writing javascript code for Fake Data, go to writing code section.

A list with all customizations.

You can find below a list with all customization settings for each generator.

GeneratorAvailable options
full_nameCustom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
first_nameCustom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
last_nameCustom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
usernameCustom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
emailCustom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
passwordPassword Length
Generate memorable password
Custom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
phonePhone number format
Custom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
job_titleCustom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
companyCustom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
addressCustom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
cityCustom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
stateCustom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
countryCustom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
zipCustom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
wordsWords count
Custom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
sentenceCustom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
paragraphSentence count
Custom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
textParagraphs count
Custom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
datetimeDate & Time interval
Date & Time format
Custom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert
numberNumber range
Custom Language
Callback before insert
Callback after insert