Show or hide Fake Data button in context menu

By default, if you open the context menu by right-clicking anywhere on the page, you will see the "Fake Data" button there. If you don't want the button to show up, here is how you can remove it:

  • Open Fake Data's options page
  • Go to Settings -> General Settings
  • Under Show Fake Data button in context menu choose Don't show Fake Data button in context menu
  • When done, make sure to save the changes.

Group Default Generators inside context menu

If you feel that the generators inside the context menu are too cluttered, you can reduce this a little bit by hiding the Default Generators under their own submenu. Here is how to do this:

  • Open Fake Data's options page
  • Go to Settings -> General Settings
  • Under Group Default Generators inside context menu choose Group under parent sub-menu
  • When done, make sure to save the changes.

After doing this, the default generators will show under a "Default Generators" submenu item inside context menu.